Blockchain gaming company Chromia Studios has announced a new collaboration with popular video game developer Workinman Interactive, which has previously produced games for Atari, Nintendo, and Disney.

Chromia Studios is the gaming arm of blockchain company ChromaWay and has been launched to address the booming interest in developing games on the blockchain.

According to a press release shared with Coin Rivet, Chromia Studios will be leveraging its relational blockchain Chromia to enable a “new generation of decentralised applications to scale beyond what is currently possible”.

It will be collaborating with Workinman Interactive to launch its first series of games. Workinman Interactive is an award-winning US video game development company which specialises in cross-platform games.

Workinman Interactive’s previous customers include Disney, Atari, Marvel, NBC Universal, Nickelodeon, and Nintendo.

The first title to be released by Chromia Studios is called ‘Mines of Falunia’ and is scheduled for Q4 2019.

It will be a fast-paced mining game with elements of economic and digital asset ownership. The game will replace traditional in-game transactions with decentralised ownership and payment features.

The Chromia platform will be utilised to store, serve, and generate digital content. It will also feature non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which can be traded outside of the game.

“Chromia is built for high performance public apps that operate at scale, like games. The gaming industry has always embraced cutting edge technology,” says Henrik Hjelte, CEO of ChromaWay.

“We believe that creating a new kind of game on Chromia through our own dedicated game studio is a great way to show the scalability and power of Chromia’s relational blockchain.”

Read more about Chromia Studios.

Learn more about Workinman Interactive’s multi-platform game development services.

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